Dr Chengetai Dare

Dr Chengetai Dare


Chengetai is a Senior Health Economist at PRICELESS SA, a Division of Wits Health Consortium (Pty) Ltd. His research work broadly focusses on how to reduce diet-related disparities and create a more healthful food system and food environment. These include evaluating the effectiveness of the sugary tax in reducing the demand for and consumption of unhealthy products while promoting the intake of healthier alternatives. His research also includes providing evidence on the need to protecting children from pervasive, persuasive marketing for ultra-processed foods and sugar-sweetened beverages, which is crucial in preventing obesity. Chengetai is also a Research Collaborator in the Global Burden of Disease Network.

Before joining PRICELESS SA, he worked as a Research Fellow at the WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub on Tobacco Taxation/Research Unit on the Economics of Excisable Products (REEP) based at the University of Cape Town. At the Knowledge Hub/REEP, he worked extensively on tobacco excise tax modelling and developed tobacco tax models for countries such as Sri Lanka, Mongolia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Chengetai has also worked for the World Bank as a Consultant, and as Chief Economist in the Ministry of Economic Empowerment in Zimbabwe.

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